Unlocking the Potential of Beyond Visual Line of Sight–For the Public and Our Industry

By Daisy Tong
AURA Senior Vice President of Design & Communications

While aviation insiders are naturally well-versed on the various acronyms affiliated with our industry, much of the general public isn’t. Those within our sector routinely use the first letters of words for terms like Advanced Air Mobility, uncrewed aerial vehicles and remotely piloted aircraft.

When I first engaged with our industry, I confess that many of the acronyms left me a bit baffled. As a lifelong designer, there’s one acronym, however, that particularly captured my attention—because the words alone trigger interesting, easier-to-understand concepts that elicit that “Aha!” factor among both insiders and the public. It’s BVLOS, which stands for beyond visual line of sight.

Insiders get it, largely because the vast potential of remotely piloted aircraft (or large drones) flying BVLOS has sparked tremendous excitement–not to mention significant investment of time and money. To the public, Advanced Air Mobility seems simple enough, particularly given that thousands of aircraft fly our skies daily. The “Aha!” moment comes when we connect the dots to what we at AURA call an unwavering commitment to safety.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or designer) to understand that the process of remotely piloting an uncrewed aircraft reliably and safely from Point A to a point beyond visual line of sight requires an extraordinary amount of reliability, engineering and technology innovation, as well as a no-holds-barred commitment to safety.

That rock-solid safety commitment is the basis of AURA’s latest white paper, “Unlocking the Potential of Certified BVLOS Operations: The Value of Greenfield Aviation Spectrum.” From the outset, it emphasizes the "holy grail" for operators of remotely piloted aircraft: to receive authorization from the FAA to operate safe, routine commercial BVLOS flights.

I encourage you to download our document, as we take a deep dive outlining how AURA is presenting solutions inspiring the confidence of the public, as well as our industry partners and government regulators.

To partner with us or seek additional information about our network and plans, email us at: inquiries@auranetworksystems.com.


Unlocking the Potential of Certified BVLOS Operations: The Value of Greenfield Aviation Spectrum


Commercial UAV News Story Focuses on AURA, Voice Commands, BVLOS