National Standards Organization Names AURA Exec as Co-Chair to Develop C2 Links Critical for UAS

Regulatory Affairs Executive Jim Williams is Leading the Industry’s Premier Independent Standards Development Organization for UAS and UAM Aircraft Operations

AURA Network Systems is pleased to announce that Regulatory Affairs Director Jim Williams has been named co-chair of RTCA’s Special Committee (SC)-228, the group charged with developing standards for command and control (C2) links critical to the safe operations of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and urban air mobility (UAM) aircraft operations within the National Airspace System (NAS).

“The RTCA remains known for comprehensive, industry-vetted and endorsed recommendations regarding technical UAS performance standards as well as the operating environment for those standards,” explained Williams. “The committee’s work is expected to ultimately be utilized as a means of compliance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations and other aviation regulatory authorities.”

Last September, RTCA approved AURA’s request to create new Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for UHF C2 links for avionics utilizing the company’s 450 MHz spectrum. Those frequencies were authorized by the Federal Communications Commission for AURA’s use for UAS C2 applications – that authorization cleared the way for creating actual standards.

For more on the RTCA special committee, see here.

“We are humbled to be chosen to be a part of the committee responsible for standards for unmanned aircraft command and control links, as well as detect-and-avoid equipment critical to the commercial viability of the UAS market.”

Williams also represents AURA on the FAA UAS Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) that is tasked with making industry recommendations on how to accelerate the integration of UAS into the U.S. airspace and permit routine BVLOS operations.”

About AURA

AURA (which stands for Advanced Ultra Reliable Aviation) is on a mission to deliver an FAA-compliant nationwide network utilizing unique, licensed aviation spectrum to accelerate advanced levels of autonomy in the National Airspace System. Its vision is to empower the aerospace industry’s pioneering technology solutions that improve accessibility and safety, drive economic expansion and further environmental sustainability–while transforming the concept of aviation for manned and unmanned aircraft. AURA’s frequencies in the 450 MHz band have extraordinary propagation characteristics ideal for secure and reliable communications. The company’s technology increases the commercial viability of autonomous operations.

AURA Media Contact:
Michael Tucker


2021: A Banner Year for AURA 


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