AURA Network Systems Applauds Congressional Passage of FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024

Legislation Includes Third-Party Service Approvals Critical to Advanced Air Mobility

McLean, Va. (May 15, 2024) – AURA Network Systems, a Virginia-based company that utilizes licensed, aviation-dedicated spectrum to deliver advanced, ultra-reliable communications solutions nationwide for crewed and uncrewed aircraft, applauded passage of H.R.3935, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024.

The Act marks a significant milestone in the future of U.S. aviation and highlights the importance of U.S. leadership in emerging technologies. This legislation stimulates a supportive environment for the growing Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) industries by promoting safety, efficiency, and integration.

AURA particularly appreciates the bipartisan collaboration and leadership demonstrated by the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for including Section 932, Third-Party Service Approvals, in the bill. This section acknowledges the critical role that third-party service providers, such as AURA, play in delivering safety-critical operational support for remotely piloted and autonomous aircraft in both controlled and uncontrolled airspace. By establishing an approval process for all third-party services necessary for safe and successful UAS operations, Section 932 enhances predictability for operators and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), while expediting progress for UAS and AAM operations. 

"We truly appreciate Congress taking the time and effort to delve deep and make sure they got the details right on this provision. The industry needed clarity on third-party service approvals to prevent potential delays in authorizations for UAS and AAM operations, and Congress delivered exactly what was needed to remove uncertainty and keep the industry and FAA on track,” said AURA Network Systems CEO Bill Tolpegin.

The reauthorization ensures that the U.S. remains at the forefront of aviation technology and innovation. AURA looks forward to working with the FAA to implement Section 932 while contributing to the continued success of the U.S. aviation industry and the safe, efficient integration of advanced aviation technologies.


About AURA Network Systems

AURA provides communications services specifically designed for all aviation markets, including both crewed and uncrewed aircraft. Its entire team is laser-focused on developing and deploying a full-stack suite of aviation infrastructure solutions that enable advanced levels of autonomy and safety in the National Airspace System. From its command-and-control service using exclusive, aviation-dedicated spectrum to its patented spectrum management system, AURA’s private commercial network is meticulously designed to enable operators to obtain regulatory compliance while increasing the commercial viability of emerging aviation. See for more information.


AURA Media Contact:
Michael Tucker


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